Open chat thread

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hooligan, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. klinger86

    klinger86 Moderator

    drink plenty of water dude.... and take cold showers..... will help break the fever if it comes back.....
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  3. Yeah, didn't really drink anything all day yesterday. So I was really dehydrated. I'm trying to get back up on fluids today, and my parents are out at the store. So they're gonna get me some gatorade to help.
  4. klinger86

    klinger86 Moderator

    drink one gatorade then drink like 2 big glasses of water before the next gatorade..... i know it sounds stupid but you can actually get a lil worse drinking nothing but straight gatorade.....
  5. I usually dilute it a bit anyways. Too many electrolites at once if I don't.
  6. klinger86

    klinger86 Moderator

    good lord did clinton go crazy with the ban hammer again... lol
  7. Why? Did a bunch of people get banned? lol And a TON of threads have been going off topic again lately... So I can't really blame him if he did.
  8. klinger86

    klinger86 Moderator

    i dont think anyone got banned just the forum was moving better than it has in a couple of days and then all of a sudden it stopped.....
  9. lol It has its slow times I guess haha.

    On another note, I finally got mostly rehydrated haha
  10. klinger86

    klinger86 Moderator

    drink up boy and then DONT go beat on your truck..... it had nothing to do with you getting sick.... lol
  11. Lmao. I can't even drive it. Gear oil is entirely drained out of the front rear.
  12. klinger86

    klinger86 Moderator

    the front and the rear or the front diff?
  13. Just the front diff. The pinion seal blew out on it, and there's something grinding around inside the diff. Not sure what it is though...
  14. klinger86

    klinger86 Moderator

    well i would say that that the pinion seal is toast and caused all the gear oil leaked out and the grinding you are hearing is most likely the gears meshing against one another.... maybe even the pinion bearings as well.....
  15. That's what I was thinking... And I've been told that it could be them. It grinds even worse when I put it into 4 high, and kinda clunks in as well. It ain't the tcase, that I do know.
  16. klinger86

    klinger86 Moderator

    well dont put it in 4wd your doing enough damage just driving it when you have to..... dont wanna do anymore than you absolutely have to...... no sense in having to replace the gears if you dont have to..... it sucks ass tearing them down when you dont have to......
  17. Damn... "....have to."... four times in the same post lol That's a new record! Haha. I haven't put it in four more than twice for about ten seconds to show people what it does. And I haven't driven her in two days, which is way longer than I have ever left her sit lol
  18. Brinker88

    Brinker88 Black sheep o' the family

    Did you even THINK about checking your fuc king fluid level?
  19. Yeah. I did. Filled it back up, hence why there was a three foot streak of gear oil under my truck today... It's to the point that my dad went out and put a pot under it to collect it, and had to use three pounds of kitty litter to help clean it up.
  20. Brinker88

    Brinker88 Black sheep o' the family

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