Open chat thread

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hooligan, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. greenmachine2000

    greenmachine2000 New Member

    lol speaking of that when i told them the first time it was go back outside your just trying to come inside and now after this its oh well if you would have said it hurt that bad we would have sent you across the street (the OCC occupational care center) but at first they blew me dent they did it.
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  3. Where do you work? And what do you do? For some reason I thought it was a grocery store or something lol
  4. greenmachine2000

    greenmachine2000 New Member

    Menards, ever heard of it like lowes, HD, just thay have groceries and some other jazz...i push carts ( we dont have any fancy machines or ropes all by hand) run register run service desk put returns back load cars (no matter how heavy the item is im required to get it into car or truck, sometimes without help.
  5. Yep. Heard of em. Not too many around here, although I believe I know of one somewhere. And that's bull**** man. That's against codes to be lifting heavy things without help. I know that because I was going to try lifting a 700 lb brick outdoor fireplace into a customer's truck, and my manager told me it's against workers codes.
  6. greenmachine2000

    greenmachine2000 New Member

    them m'fers didnt get me help once when some old guy have a 500 lb snow blower and i called 6 times for help finally just got pissed and got it on tailgate and shoved it in.
  7. Yeah, I would file a complaint next time... That's definitely against employer codes.
  8. greenmachine2000

    greenmachine2000 New Member

    they dont care dude..the managers are breaking store policy at least 2 out of 3 managers are, by going out and partying with employees in store handbook that they cant. and they do it often.
  9. If ya really want to screw them report em to corporate
  10. greenmachine2000

    greenmachine2000 New Member

    if i do that I get fired..thats also in cannot tell on a manager.
  11. Wow... They really like to screw you guys and jerk you around
  12. greenmachine2000

    greenmachine2000 New Member

    tell me about it, im having fun no :) i know i have a gf but im texting this really cute girl talking about trucks cars and motors, and she knows her **** im loving it lol
  13. Lmao. If I were you man, I'd suggest getting another hob and leaving that one. Handbook is bull****
  14. Well I'm out for now bro. Hope everything works out for you man. Talk to ya later.
  15. greenmachine2000

    greenmachine2000 New Member

    they have a profit sharing meeting soon if you know anything about that and the managers are so excited that corporate wont be there and a couple i know are worried as to what they will do cause they will most likely break policy, thing is there being monitored from corporate and they will forget about it and i can see mass trouble, since the meeting is not mandatory im not going! im not getting caught up in that mess!! especially with corporate striking after they see it!!
  16. 01B3000

    01B3000 ORIGINAL Portable Seizure

    Lol, this class blows, but at least I'm finally starting to understand it.
  17. Brinker88

    Brinker88 Black sheep o' the family

    school wasnt for me. Im making the same amount of money as I would have w/ a college degree with no tuition to pay. And I love what Im doing.

    It aint for everyone.
  18. ob269

    ob269 New Member

    What do you do Brad?
  19. Hurley

    Hurley Superultramegalurker

    I tried doin the whole college thing but it wasn't for me. I make pretty good money with benefits and two raises every year and I like what I do so I'm pretty happy
  20. RoadRanger

    RoadRanger -Skylark65-

    for around here, i've always felt the same way. most of the people i know who've been to collage or trade school still have to commute into jersey or the city.

    i've got no tuition, only have to drive to town (still 35ish miles), good pension, healthcare & retirement, and a raise every year. and i don't mind the work.
  21. Brinker88

    Brinker88 Black sheep o' the family

    Im the main parts guy for a local big rig suspension/alignment company/shop. We do a lot of light duty stuff as well like leaf springs, shackles hangers, u-bolts, etc. We are a Rough Country dealer and much more.

    I take home around 30K a year, full benefits other than the ****ty medical, etc.

    Im a suspension guy so Im pretty much in heaven.

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