Open chat thread

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hooligan, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. mcdonald58

    mcdonald58 New Member

    i found this company that sells diy custom bumpers for xjs. makes me want an xj so bad. i could just talk to my friend and have him weld them up for me. it would save me hundreds of dollars to.
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  3. Brinker88

    Brinker88 Black sheep o' the family

  4. RoadRanger

    RoadRanger -Skylark65-

    how the hell did you manage that brad??
  5. kanuck15

    kanuck15 Member

    That sucks man, but is also rather entertaining at the same time
  6. Brinker88

    Brinker88 Black sheep o' the family

    :whistling: oh ya know, putting a ranger where it shouldn't be.

    It WAS rather entertaining. Still giggle every time I look at the photo. That truck's a beast tho. We flopped her back over started it up and kept on wheeling.
  7. SalRanger2

    SalRanger2 Ranger Lover

    oh **** dude what happened??
  8. Brinker88

    Brinker88 Black sheep o' the family

    I popped mah cherry that's what! Lol.

    Damn thing got off camber real bad and turned the wheel at the wrong time. Over she went.
  9. SalRanger2

    SalRanger2 Ranger Lover

    yikes man, whats the damage like?
  10. Brinker88

    Brinker88 Black sheep o' the family

    Nice dent in the cab/roof. That's it.
  11. SalRanger2

    SalRanger2 Ranger Lover

    damn, well could be worse i suppose
  12. djfllmn

    djfllmn ^^^ I am Mr. Clean!

    its not damage...its character
  13. RoadRanger

    RoadRanger -Skylark65-

    hahaha, that's awsome man. you didin't pop any windows out or anything? just a couple dents?
  14. Demon

    Demon I take no prisoners!

    he was a lucky lucky man
  15. Brinker88

    Brinker88 Black sheep o' the family

    Yup. First dent's always the hardest though. :(
  16. djfllmn

    djfllmn ^^^ I am Mr. Clean!

    so i found out if i want to insure the Thunderbird with Hagerty i have to sign a form saying my dad isnt allowed to drive the car...maybe that will finally get through to him to calm down behind the wheel of a car
  17. kanuck15

    kanuck15 Member

    haha thats funny, your old man got a real lead foot on him?
  18. RoadRanger

    RoadRanger -Skylark65-

    lol i hear ya man, especially after all the work you've done to that truck. on saturday i ran into a giant bush heading up to my buddie's property, didin't realize untill sunday it left a bunch of scratches on my fender, door and brand mirrors :furious: gotta break out the compound, lol.
  19. mcdonald58

    mcdonald58 New Member

    i cant decide if i want to get another ranger or get a cherokee for my 4wd michigan vehicle. if i were to get a ranger i would look for ext cab, 4wd, 4.0,98-00 then probably convert it to the 01-03 front end. if i were to get a cherokee i would want a 99-02 sport with 4wd. both of these vehicles i would put a small lift on. i like the ability of being able to pull the truck out and hang out and the ease of carrying stuff. but i have always loved jeeps.
  20. kanuck15

    kanuck15 Member

    I will sell ya a 98 ranger ext cab? lol
  21. greenmachine2000

    greenmachine2000 New Member

    hey i need new shocks..any ideas

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