hello, I have ( actually 16 year old daughter) a 1997 Ford Ranger XLT 2wd 4.0. that the speedometer.odometer and trip meter are not working. The abs light has come on also. I have changed the VSS on the transmission and the speed sensor on the rear axle. Any clues as to what I am missing? thanks
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I had that happen when I had a blown fuse, I acidentally shorted out a wire which blew the fuse. so double check all fuses
changd the fuse in lacation 19 which is the ignition and PCM control fuse and the speedometer is now working. Still working on the ABS. thanks for all the help so far
it went out again I now have the whole dash pulled trying to find any indicators. The VSS and abs sensor have been changed now trying to find a cluster and hints