getting what feels to be a front ennd vibration after 50 mph..fasster the more vibration..recent allignment and anyone know?..all occoured after engaging and dissengaging 4lo
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First thought, did 4 L disengage completely. Attempt to back up while turning the wheels for a sharp turn. If things start to bind up then you are still in 4 WD. If not check for wheel weights that have fallen off larger tire usually need additional weights to balance properly and they may have fallen off, also check the front end components and see if anything is moving a little too much.
^^ This. Sometimes the wheel weights WILL fly off after a fresh balance. The "tap" on weights have a tendency to fly off with bigger tires. If they put sticky weights on, double check them. Some shops won't clean the inner part of the rim and will slap on the sticky a corroded surface.....then, they fly off. The issue definitly sounds like a balance issue to me.
ill do that..had my iacv take a **** cleaned it..thinking about cleaning inside intake system more...bad or good idea??