Open chat thread

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Hooligan, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. klinger86

    klinger86 Moderator

    hell they have the original theme bike up to where you cant even ride it.... dumbass idea if you ask me......
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  3. Captured Time

    Captured Time watch this and hold on

    nothing better than getting a bike just to look at
  4. klinger86

    klinger86 Moderator

    oh now you know you wanna run out and buy a bike to put it on your coffee table for a conversation peice..... lol
  5. Captured Time

    Captured Time watch this and hold on

    shizit man i would rather do that with a AR15 lmao
  6. klinger86

    klinger86 Moderator

    lol or a barret .50 cal.....
  7. Captured Time

    Captured Time watch this and hold on

    naa the AR5 that way i can off the som bitch tha lays a hand on my girl
  8. klinger86

    klinger86 Moderator

    yeah but the barrett you can get him even if he tries it from over 1 mile away..... lol
  9. Captured Time

    Captured Time watch this and hold on

    but i can get a supresser for the AR15 and then no one would ever know

    this is what happens when you give a redneck a side by side and a case of PBR

    Last edited: Dec 11, 2011
  10. Captured Time

    Captured Time watch this and hold on

  11. Ugh.... Stopped chewing for a while, worst idea to start back up... Feel like complete **** right now...
  12. Captured Time

    Captured Time watch this and hold on

    i love me grizzly
  13. Ugh... Still have a stomachache...
  14. klinger86

    klinger86 Moderator

    i dip skoal cherry everynow and then when i get a long run that i cant smoke for a few hours..... also like copenhagen black every now and's gotta have a lil flavor or i end up feeling like i'm gonna puke my guts out just from the taste.....
  15. That's how I feel now... Skoal original fine cut. Worst **** ever...
  16. Captured Time

    Captured Time watch this and hold on

    boys's i tell whatca going to with them. i hit the black ever now and then but im a die hard grizzly long cut staight guy...
  17. klinger86

    klinger86 Moderator

    damn wish i had 450 bucks right now.....
  18. klinger86

    klinger86 Moderator

  19. Go get em man! Haha
  20. Captured Time

    Captured Time watch this and hold on

    you can talk him down im sure

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